Page 44 - Team TTO PARIS 2024
P. 44

FP: Do you think other young   RT: When Dad passed, numerous Queens Royal College students (and
                 people looked up to him as a   others) from around my time reached out to send condolences and express
                 paternal figure?             how much of an impact he had on their development; not just as an athlete
                                              but as a person. He was consistently present and never shy to share words
                                              of wisdom.

                 FP: What is one of your       RT: I think one of the happiest times I’ve seen him was at the 2008
                 favourite sporting memories   Beijing Olympics. After I won my 100m Silver medal, my family, like true
                                               Trinis, somehow convinced the security to let them into an area strictly
                 with your Dad?                for athletes and officials. When I saw him in that tunnel, there was a
                                               sense of pride beaming from his face that words won’t do justice. I went
                                               up to him, Mummy, and (my brother) Junior, and we all shared a moment
                                               hugging and celebrating.

                  I understood the role my Dad
                  played by being consistently
                     present. It made me safe,
                        secure and confident
                in my most vulnerable moments
                     because we could debrief
                       for hours, days, weeks
                     until we figured out what
                             we needed to.

                                               RT: I understood the role my Dad played by being consistently present.
                 FP: How has the relationship   It made me safe, secure and confident in my most vulnerable moments
                 between you and your Dad      because we could debrief for hours, days, weeks until we figured out what
                 influenced the way you are as   we needed to. I am just as involved with both of my sons. Whether it’s
                 a father?                     football, American football or basketball, I never miss practice or games.
                                               Know that if I’m the man to them that my Dad was to me, they stand an
                                               excellent chance of maximizing their potential in whatever they decide
                                               to do.

                 FP: Thank you so much for
                 sharing with us. Your father’s
                 example will live long in our

                                                                                       Photos courtesy The Thompson Family

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