
Preparations for London 2012 have stepped up another gear, with major international sporting events taking place at the triathlon, rowing and sailing venues, as excitement continues to build ahead of next year’s Olympic Games.

London’s Hyde Park played host to the world’s leading triathletes from 6-7 August as part of the ITU World Championship Series, while Eton’s Dorney Lake staged the Junior World Rowing Championships from 3-7 August. Elsewhere, the 2011 Weymouth and Portland International Regatta has brought elite sailors from around the world together to compete in 10 Olympic classes in Weymouth Bay and Portland Harbour, which will host the sailing events during the Games next year.

All three events were being used by the London 2012 Organising Committee (LOCOG) to test crucial aspects of its Games-time operations. The events are also helping to build excitement among the general public by giving them the chance to enjoy the experience of watching world-class sport in Olympic venues.

Britain’s Alistair Brownlee triumphed in the men’s triathlon in Hyde Park and was impressed by the enthusiasm of the crowd as he crossed the finish line. The 2009 world champion is already looking forward to a similar response during the Games next year.

"It was one of the best receptions I've ever had and the whole event was a great experience," said Brownlee. "The run down the last stretch was incredible. I'm sure there'll be 10 times as many people in 2012."

The 14-day Weymouth and Portland International Regatta has seen 460 sailors descend on the Olympic venue in order to gain experience of the course ahead of London 2012. Finn competitor Pieter Jan Postma, from the Netherlands, is one of those who is pleased to have the opportunity to compete in Weymouth before the Games next year.

“It is good that we have a test event here to learn the conditions,” said Postma. “It's good to get familiar and know the surroundings.”

The Junior World Rowing Championships, at Dorney Lake near Windsor, saw almost 600 young rowing stars from 48 countries compete at the Olympic venue, giving LOCOG the chance to test important aspects of its Games-time operations, such as the sporting field of play and the results, timing and scoring systems.

“It’s incredibly exciting to see our work come to fruition and to see elite athletes competing on the lake,” said LOCOG’s Director of Sport, Debbie Jevans. “We can see how it will be in 2012. There is a view of Windsor Castle in the background, so it looks fantastic. It's one of the best rowing facilities in the world.”


By Tom Degun

August 11 - There are 14 applications for every available place to carry the Olympic Torch when it arrives in Britain next year to travel around the country in the lead-up to London 2012, it was revealed today.

More than 28,000 nominations have been made for the 2,012 Torchbearer places available through the London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay Moment to Shine programme.

The applications were all received between May 18 and June 29 this year and it will now be left to 12 selection panels held across the UK to decide on the most inspiring people to carry the to carry the Torch.

The 12 selection panels will be established over the next month and comprise of representatives from the local culture, sport, voluntary, education, youth and local Government sectors.

They will be held from October 3 until 14 this year as they judge the thousands of applicants and London 2012 chairman Sebastian Coe admitted they have a tough job ahead of them.

"We are thrilled with the response we have had to the London 2012 Torchbearer nomination programme and would like to thank everyone who took the time to put friends, colleagues or family members forward for consideration for one of the 2,012 Torchbearer places on offer through the Moment to Shine campaign," said Coe (pictured with former Olympic heptathlon champion Denise Lewis).

"With the selection panels set to review an average of 14 nominations for every one available LOCOG Torchbearer place, difficult decisions will need to be taken.

"However, we should be proud so many inspiring people have been put forward to carry the Olympic Flame next summer and receive recognition for their achievements."

Individuals who received more than one nomination had one selected at random to go forward to the selection panels while thosethat did not comply with the terms and conditions of entry or were incomplete were removed from the programme.

Nominees going forward to the selection panel stage will be now emailed and invited to verify the 150 word maximum nomination story provided by their nominator earlier in the summer.

They will also have to give London 2012 their consent by September 16 this year for their story to be considered at their local selection panel.

Every nomination going forward to the selection panels will be read by two individuals who will be looking for inspirational people who have personally achieved something great and/or contribute to the local community.

The Olympic values of friendship, excellence and respect will also feature in the selection criteria and Torchbearers will be selected on the strength of their nomination story as the representatives on the selection panel will not be told the names of the nominees, London 2012 revealed.

"The Olympic Torch Relay will bring the magic of the Games to communities up and down the UK and give local heroes a once in a lifetime experience of carrying the Olympic Flame," said Sport and Olympics Minister Hugh Robertson.

"I am delighted that London 2012's Torchbearer nomination programme has received so much support and I wish all the entries good luck in the next stage of the selection process."

An average of 110 people a day will carry the Olympic Flame on its 8,000 mile journey around the UK after it arrives at Land's End on May 18 before it arrives at the Olympic Stadium in Stratford on July 27 to light the cauldron at the London 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony.

Exactly 90 per cent of the total 8,000 Torchbearer places are available to the public through a number of channels, including the four public nomination campaigns run by London 2012 and the three Presenting Partners of the London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay: Coca-Cola, Lloyds TSB and Samsung.

The public nomination programmes run by each of the three Presenting Partners remain open until September 2011.


By Duncan Mackay in London

August 9 - London 2012 today received backing from National Olympic Committee representatives attending the Chef de Missions seminar that, despite the riots that have hit the capital, they are confident that the Games will pass off safely.

The Government vowed to review security plans for next year as a third day of rioting forced the cancellation of England's football match tomorrow against the Netherlands at Wembley Stadium, which is one of the London 2012 venues and due to stage the finals of the football.

Widespread unrest across London and the inability of police to deal swiftly with last night's multiple outbreaks of violence, have prompted questions over security plans for the Olympics.

Home Secretary Theresa May said officials would "look at what is necessary" to ensure a trouble-free Olympics.

"We take the issues around the Olympics very seriously," May said.

"An awful lot of work has already gone into planning in relation to the security and public order in relation to the Olympics and we will continue to monitor that and continue to look at what is necessary and what we need."

Sport and Olympics Minister Hugh Robertson claimed that those predicting that next year's Games would be a disaster as "very, very wrong."

"We have a commitment to deliver a safe and secure Games and we will do so," Robertson said.

The decision to scrap England's football match was taken following discussions between the Football Association and the Metropolitan Police.

"It is terribly sad that a major sports event of this sort has to be cancelled in this way," FA chairman David Bernstein said.

"But we have to put safety and security matters first...I think we have done the only thing we could do."

The unprecedented decision followed the earlier postponement of League Cup matches involving West Ham United, Charlton Athletic and Crystal Palace after police advice.

The after-effects of last night's riots were clearly visible at the Olympic Park today where a plume of black smoke from the Sony warehouse in Enfield, North London, which had been looted and set alight, rose above the Velodrome and the Basketball Arena.

But there was backing for London 2012 from John Coates, the President of the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC), who is a member of the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) ruling Executive Board and the Coordination Commission overseeing preparations for next year's Games.

"The riots are a concern but we believe the trouble is domestic and not linked to the·Olympic Games next year," Coates said.

"LOCOG has said there will be 9,000 police on the beat each day of the·2012 Games, they are responsible for the security of the athletes of the world at Games time.

"We had some trouble on the streets during the 2004 Games in Athens and we ensured our athletes were well aware of the danger and we advised them to steer well clear of any street demonstrations, the same will apply for London should they arise".

Coates was supported by Nick Green, a double Olympic rowing gold medallist, who is Australia's Chef de Mission for London 2012.

"From an Olympics point of view, I'm very confident that come Games time they will be very safe and very secure," he said.

"The safety and security of our athletes at these Games have been the number one priority and it will continue to be.

"We're confident that come Games time LOCOG will have the appropriate security in place."

The United States, usually the most nervous of travelling teams, also claimed that they believed their safety would not be compromised at London 2012.

"For every Games we take security planning extremely serious and work very closely with the US State Department, the organisers and the local authorities to try to ensure the safety of our teams," said Patrick Sandusky, the spokesman for the United States Olympic Committee (USOC).

"We are confident in the security plans for the London Games and will continue to work very closely with LOCOG and the local authorities as we build towards the Games in 2012."

Argentina's Chef de Mission Gabriel Curuchet, was another to express confidence in London.

"I've been to six Olympic Games and what I see here is nothing related to the Olympics," he said.

"Therefore I have no concern.

"I understand some people are giving London a very bad image and this may impact on the Olympics but for me I know the work that the organisers are doing and this is not the case."

Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Chris Allison, National Olympic Security Coordinator, tried to reassure visiting international officials that everything would be done to ensure that London 2012 is safe.

"Our planning for safety and security for the Games is intelligence-led and based against a number of strategic risks, remaining flexible to enable swift and efficient response to emerging threats," he said.

"Public disorder is one of those risks which we have already been planning against across the country.

"Obviously, in light of the appalling events in London over recent days, we will review our planning to ensure that any lessons are identified. But first, we must fully establish the circumstances of what has happened and at this time it is too early to say whether our planning will significantly change.

"What is absolutely clear is that we are committed to the Games being delivered in safety and security, for athletes, spectators and the wider public."

Several of Britain's top athletes also used their respective Twitter pages to share their views on the riots.

"The Riots in London are stupid and dangerous, there's other ways to speak out," wrote Luol Deng, the Chicago Bulls superstar who is Britain's top basketball player.

"Don't react in a way that you will later regret."

Double world-champion open water swimmer Keri-Anne Payne watched the footage on television in stunned disbelief.

"Watching the news this morning, horrified to see the scenes of London last night," she wrote.

"Can't believe it was the same city I was in last night!"

Cyclist Geraint Thomas, a team pursuit gold medallist from Beijing 2008, urged radical action.

"Cant believe what's happening back home!! Get the army in, round them all up and ship them to Afghanistan. Give them something to fight for."


By: Duncan Mackay

August 8 - The riots that have spread across London tonight, including in Hackney, an Olympic Host Borough located just a few miles from the main site, will not affect the beach volleyball test event due to begin at Horse Guards Parade tomorrow, officials have claimed.

But the rioting could hardly have come at a worse time for London 2012 with representatives from nearly 200 countries in the capital to attend the·Chef de Missions seminar to discuss preparations for next year.

Images of buildings and vehicles in flames have been broadcast around the world come as the capital prepares to stage the Games in less than a year's time.·

The unrest started Saturday night (August 6) in the Tottenham area of North London after a police shooting.

It spread closer to the Olympic Park earlier today when scattered violence broke out in the Hackney area of East London.

Groups of youths, many wearing hoods and masks, attacked shops and windows in Hackney.

Police in riot gear were pelted with pieces of wood and other objects.

Authorities said more than 200 people had been arrested and more than two dozen charged over three days of trouble.

Police said at least 35 police officers were injured.

Discussions have already been held about whether England's football friendly against the Netherlands at Wembley Stadium - which is also an Olympic venue for 2012 - on Wednesday (August 10) can go ahead.

But London 2012 officials have told insidethegames that the Visa FIVB Beach Volleyball International, which is due to feature·world number one pairing Jennifer Kessy and April Ross of the United States and·Beijing bronze medallists Chen Xue and Xi Zhang of China, is not in danger of being cancelled.

The event is being held in the shadow of Whitehall where Prime Minister David Cameron is due to hold an emergency meeting tomorrow with senior security officials about the riots.

The Chef de Missions seminar will also take place as planned, London 2012 said.

The National Olympic Committee (NOC) representatives are being housed in the Park Lane area of London, which has so far been unaffected by the riots.

Tomorrow is scheduled to be taken up with a seminar before they travel to the Olympic Park on Wednesday for a tour of the Park and to see the Stadium.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) will also have an opportunity to assess the situation first-hand tomorrow as Denis Oswald, the chairman of the London 2012 Coordination Commission, and Gilbert Felli, the Executive Director for the Olympic Games, are due to arrive in the capital for a Project Review.

The meeting with senior London 2012 officials had been scheduled for several weeks but the riots will now inevitably be top of the agenda.

The IOC claimed that they had full confidence in security arrangements for the Games.

"Security at the Olympic Games is a top priority for the IOC," spokesman·Mark Adams said.

"It is, however, directly handled by the local authorities, as they know best what is appropriate and proportionate.

"We are confident they will do a good job in this domain."

London 2012 also claimed that the riots would not affect preparations for the Games.

"Security has always been a priority for us and continues to be so," a London 2012 spokeswoman told insidethegames.


By: Andrew Warshaw in Rio de Janeiro

Rio 2016 is today celebrating arguably its most important landmark since being awarded the games two years ago, with a special presentation marking exactly five years to the day to the opening of the first summer Games to be held in South America.

Some 300 Olympic, civic and commercial movers and shakers will convene in downtown Rio de Janeiro for an occasion that will inject a much-needed feel good factor after weeks of negative publicity over the staging of the World Cup two years earlier.

So sensitive are Olympic officials over the criticism meted out in recent days to Ricardo Teixeira, head of the World Cup organising committee and Brazil's most powerful football administrator, that his 2016 counterpart, the normally media friendly Carlos Nuzman, has imposed a virtual news blackout, at least until the rumpus over Teixeira's ill-timed attack on English football and his much-publicised altercation with Pele have died down.

Although a routine International Olympic Committee (IOC) technical visit was given as the official reason for Nuzman and his chief executive being unwilling to fulfil an interview request, the real reason was to avoid saying anything that might be construed as jeopardising the relationship between Nuzman and Teixeira, not least concerning Pele who gets on well with Nuzman and was a prominent member of Brazil's 2016 bid.

A few weeks ago, during an informal chat with reporters, Nuzman let slip how important it was for both Organising Committees to work hand in hand. "We have a tremendous relationship with the World Cup organising committee and with Ricardo Teixeira in particular," he told reporters in Durban during a break from the bidding process for the 2018 Winter Games where he gave a progress report to the IOC.

It's not only the World Cup, however, that has given Rio 2016 a head start in terms of planning and preparation. The 2007 Pan American Games enabled Nuzman to hand-pick many of the same personnel for his organising team, while in terms of infrastructure, the 2016 Olympic stadium, which will stage athletics as well as the Paralympics, is already in place, in contrast to Stratford which has had to be built from scratch for London 2012.

Opened in June, 2007 at a cost of $192 million, the venue - a 45-minute drive north of central Rio, past the port area and bisecting clusters of corrugated-roofed favelas that rise steeply upwards - is known both as Engenhão after the local neighbourhood and the João Havelange stadium in tribute to Brazil's former FIFA president.

Home to Botafogo, one of Rio's four top-flight teams, its running track has already been built as a result of the Pan-American Games and the challenge now is expanding it from a capacity of 45,000 to 60,000, improving the woefully inadequate train station opposite, upgrading parking and modernising the myriad of graffiti-covered side streets that surround the stadium.

Already, however, the local authorities are making use of its multisport facilities, building up the profile of the Olympic Games on the back of football. At halftime during a recent Brazilian league match attended by this correspondent, spectators were treated to two 100-metre races for men and women.

Only on a return visit to a now virtually empty stadium was it pointed out that the athletes were in fact blind Paralympians trying to break the world record, albeit in front of a few thousand fans.

Able-bodied young schoolchildren are also regularly put through their paces, all part of a deliberate policy integrating Botafogo with the local community. "Since they have a stadium that has an athletics infrastructure, they are trying to develop an athletics culture," said Rodrigo Garcia, the organising committee spokesperson responsible for sport policy and operations. "It's an attempt, if you like, to find the next generation of Brazilian champions."

Garcia is understandably proud of the Olympic venue, which has an adjacent training and warm-up area and another one, covered, directly underneath. Rightly or wrongly, Rio's Olympic stadium is some distance from the Olympic Park, based in Barra a 20-minute drive away and expected to become a national training centre after the Games. Clearly, Rio, unlike those who oppose West Ham's tenancy of Stratford after London 2012, has no problem about football and athletics mixing. "The strategy we used during our candidature was to try and use as many venues as possible from the Pan-American games," explained Garcia. "To be honest this stadium was always built with athletics in mind."

He insists the expansion project will not impact on residential areas. "We are not hiding anything in terms of relocation but there is no need for it round here," said Garcia. "As far as the Olympic Park is concerned, I'm not at liberty to speak about that. What I can say is that a lot of infrastructure will already be in place because of the World Cup."

Some of it won't include a brand new subway system linking Barra to Ipanema, part of what is described as Rio 2016's "master plan" but not ready until the end of 2015, provided there is the political will.

From the Olympic stadium it was on to the Maracanã, the second most visited place in Brazil; not the famous Maracanã of the tourist guides, more right now, a building site.

altWith both the World Cup and Rio 2016 on the horizon, thousands of construction workers are feverishly bulldozing their way across the same site where some of the country's most famous players used to demonstrate their sublime skills.

Still holding the record for the biggest crowd ever to watch a World Cup game, one of the great cathedrals of football is being completely rebuilt at a cost of $595 million, mainly for the World Cup but also for the Olympics when it will stage the Opening and Closing Ceremonies and the final of the football tournament.

Icaro Moreno Junior, the man responsible for overseeing the project, recently described it as like "a pie with a new filling". The new capacity will be around 80,000 with state-of-the-art facilities in a stadium that will be entirely remodelled, including a new roof, main stand and access ways to provide better comfort, sound, lighting and safety and allow evacuation of the entire venue within eight minutes. "It's an emblematic stadium, just like Wembley," says Garcia. "Even if the World Cup and Olympics had not taken place, this work was in dire need of modernisation."

But why only one football game at such a prestigious venue? "We have to take out all the infrastructure used for the Opening Ceremony, then prepare for the closing ceremony. There simply isn't enough time. It's impossible to have all the football at the Maracanã. The rest will be spread over the country."

One of Rio's biggest plus points is that every Olympic sport - other than part of the football tournament - will be within the city itself, covering four venue clusters - unlike London where, for instance, sailing is at Weymouth. The whole idea is to try and get as close as possible to the original concept of the Games, to the "soul" of the Olympics, as one insider put it.

"We are very comfortable with five years to go but the main area that is a massive challenge is transport," said Carlos Villanova, Rio 2016's communications director. "Luckily the airport will be ready by the World Cup but there are of course some areas that will only be ready for the Olympics. Luckily again, if there is any need for further development, we'll have another two years."

All Olympic cities endeavour to gain as much inside knowledge as possible from previous Games organisers. Sharing experience is a tradition but Rio's relationship with London 2012 seems to be particularly strong. Officials of the two cities are in constant contact, with Nuzman and his advisers frequently on the phone or paying visits to London. "They are playing a fantastic role in our preparation, opening as many doors as possible," said Villanova. "Maybe it's because Sebastian Coe is a friend of both Nuzman and Agberto Guimarães, our director of sport. We have many consultants but you can't buy this sort of contact."

In terms of ticket prices, Rio are far from formulating a plan but are aware how sensitive the issue is. "It's not just London's concern, it's everyone's concern but it's far too early to provide any likely prices," says Villanova.

Behind the scenes, it is understood there is a growing campaign to include beach soccer as a new sport for 2016, taking advantage both of Brazil's obsession with the round-ball game and its world-famous beaches.

altAlthough new sports can only be admitted to the Olympic programme a minimum seven years in advance, it is believed FIFA president Sepp Blatter and Nuzman are both keen on the idea and may try to persuade IOC president Jacques Rogge to bend the rules.

"If realised, I'm sure that football and the fans only can win, and that beach soccer will be one of the biggest attractions in Rio 2016," Nuzman was quoted as saying by Brazilian newspaper O Globo.

According to the same paper, Blatter attended part of a friendly between Brazil and Japan at Copacabana on the occasion of the recent World Cup preliminary draw. "This was a seed we planted long ago," said Brazilian beach football coach Alexandre Soares. "If it happens, it will be great."

With a legacy to benefit future generations, no stone is being left unturned to promote a "new Brazil". Efforts to stamp out crime and violence in poorer communities have intensified in recent months with a new programme of UPPs - Pacifying Police Units - taking a different approach to tackling crime in the shantytowns. Officials insist the programme has been hugely successful, changing the image of favelas as crime-ridden, drug-infested slums.

Nevertheless, a small but dedicated protest lobby continues to keep the pressure up in terms making sure peaceful, law-abiding communities are treated fairly. On the day of the recent World Cup draw, upwards of 200 protestors staged a peaceful but strongly worded demonstration, decrying the effects of international sporting events on the city. Among the grievances they cited were salaries for emergency workers and the much-publicised forced removal of residents from the favelas, away from their families, their schools and their workplace.

"Everything indicates that the World Cup and Olympics are going to repeat, on a larger scale, the history of the 2007 Pan American Games: misappropriation of public funds, unnecessarily large construction projects that become useless after the competition, benefits only for large businesses whose owners are friends of those in power and the violation of the human rights of millions of Brazilians," said a statement issued by one of the more vociferous protest groups. "The forced removal of families affected by these projects is happening in an arbitrary and violent manner."

altOrganising committee officials refute such suggestions as over-the-top, pointing out that any areas where residents are being relocated must have strict government approval. "According to city hall, no-one has ever been removed first without judiciary approval, without consent or without compensation," said Villanova.


By: Tom Degun

August 1 - The United States Olympic Committee (USOC) chief of sport performance Alan Ashley has admitted that Amercia could struggle to maintain their top two position on the medal table at London 2012 due to the growing investment from other nation's into elite sport.

He admitted that he is concerned about missing out on a top two finish at London 2012 after the US finished second behind hosts China at Beijing 2008 and ahead of third-placed Russia and fourth-placed Great Britain.

"It's an interesting landscape out there," said Ashley.

"Some of these other nations are pouring enormous resources into this.

"Governments are behind them and they can certainly catch is in the medal table.

"They're very serious contenders and we need to be looking over our shoulders at the Olympics in London.

"That does keep me up at night sometimes."

America won 110 medals in Beijing - more than any other country - but finished below China in the overall table because the host nation claimed 51 golds compared to the US 36.

Steve Roush, who held Ashley's position at USOC through 2008, agreed with the assessment suggesting American dominance at the Olympic Games could be under threat.

"The amount of investment going on by the top 15 or 20 National Olympic Committees, the amount they've increased, it's startling," said Roush, who now is a senior consultant for TSE Consulting who help countries around the world build up their Olympic programmes.

"Brazil [who are hosting Olympics and Paralympics in Rio in 2016] is an example of a new country in the hunt that will be taking medals away from other countries.

"They'll try to pick away and they'll have a chance at it because of the fact they're doing it in a focused way.

"Basically, if your investment stays mainly flat, your performance is going down.

"You've got to sink far more money into it just to stay even."